The City Council discussed at its study sessions throughout 2024 the issue of adopting a City Council Code of Conduct and Ethics to better address Council interactions and behavior between Council Members, the Public, and the Media.
The City Council previously adopted the City Council Code of Policies (“Code of Policies”) to address various items related to how the City Council conducts its business.
The Code of Conduct and Ethics will be incorporated into the City Council Code of Policies as Section II and will include in-depth guidance for the City Council regarding behavior in and outside of Council Meetings, Ethics, and provides accountability measures for Council Members.
The City Council determines it is in the City’s best interests to amend the Code of Policies to include the City Council Code of Conduct and Ethics to provide additional context and guidance on how the City Council can best exemplify the values of the City and model respectful interactions in the face of disagreement and discord.
The Council Code of Conduct will serve as a positive tool to maintain camaraderie, collaboration, and to assist the City Council in executing the business of the City.
Attached are:
- Resolution adopting City Council Code of Conduct and Ethics
- Final PDF Version of Code of Conduct and Ethics